2024/05/03 17:07

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.5.5 20:00~

LEVI'S 70s made in USA 70505 "BIG E"https://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85843830LEVI'S 60s made in USA 559 "BIG E"https://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85843805SPANJIAN  EBY'S SPORTING GOODS ...

2024/04/24 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.4.28 20:00~

※今回は4/23(水)に商品ページはご覧になれません。ご了承くださいませ。DUMONT'S 1990 COMMITTEE MEMBER T-shirtモーターサイクルラバーにとって、Tシャツは単なるファッションアイテムではありません。それは、...

2024/04/17 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.4.21 20:00~

FOR THE BODY  CO 80~90s made in USA "RACHEL McLISH" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85339595BONNIE AUGUST 80~90s made in USA Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85339596DELTA 90s mad...

2024/04/16 18:50


こんばんは!スタッフカトウです!ゴールデンウィークの旅行計画は進んでいますか? せっかくの連休なので、思いっきり旅行を楽しみたいですよね!そこで、古着屋EAGLE BASEでは、GW前に個性的な旅を応援する「GW...

2024/04/10 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.4.14 20:00~

NAT NAST CREATION 50~60s bowling shirthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85048328US VINTAGE 50~60s "PACIFIC BOWL TROJANS" bowling shirthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/85048329CHAMPION 60s made...

2024/04/03 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.4.7 20:00~

HARLEY DAVIDSON 00s "ORLAND BIKE WEEK" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84831563HARLEY DAVIDSON 00s made in USA "HERITAGE PITTSBURGH PA" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84831561ANVIL 80s...

2024/03/27 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.3.31 20:00~

SEA DOG  made in USA "BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG SOLDIER" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84587524SHERRY'S BEST 80~90s made in USA "ELVIS PRESLEY" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/845875...

2024/03/20 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.3.24 20:00~

OLIMPUS  MEXICO 90s "CACAXTLA TLAX" TeeRUSSELhttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84081372UNIVERSAL STUDIOS 90s "I LOVE LUCY" Teehttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84081392SOFFE'S  CHOICE 8...

2024/03/13 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.3.17 20:00~

LEVI'S 70s made in USA 70505 "BIG E"https://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/84078818LEVI'S 70~80s made in USA 70505-0217https://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/83851954LEVI'S 60~70s STA-PRES...

2024/03/06 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.3.10 20:00~

BIG MAC  J.C.PENNEY 70s made in USA overallshttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/83145877BIG MAC J.C.PENNEY 70s made in USA overallshttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/83145879LIBERTY 60~70...

2024/02/28 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.3.3 20:00~

PENDLETON made in USA wool jackethttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/83377743NIAGARA  SPORTS WEAR 60~70s swingtophttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/83377741BIG MAC  J.C.PENNEY 70s made in...

2024/02/21 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.2.25 20:00~

SAFTBAK 70s hunting vesthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/82129243IDEAL  70~80s hunting vesthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/82129247SEARS 60~70s hunting vesthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/...

2024/02/14 15:49

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.2.18 20:00~

AMERICAN FIELD 50~60s made in USA hunting jackethttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/81760761USED  VINTAGE 60~70s long gownhttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/81760758WAX WORKS 90s made in UK o...

2024/02/07 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.2.11 20:00~

U.S.AIR FORCE  USAF 50s made in USA field jackethttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/82889061VINTAGE 60s Vietnam jacket https://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/82642440BURBERRY'S 80~90s made in...

2024/01/31 18:00

EAGLE BASE NEW ARRIVAL 2024.2.4 20:00~

BLACK SHEEP 60~70s made in Japan hunting vesthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/81908878TRAILBLAZER 60~70s hunting vesthttps://eaglebase.thebase.in/items/81908882BRITISH ARMY DPMcamo SM...